Publication Date: 15 June 2019
RRP: $29.95
ISBN: 9781925835373
Format: Paperback
Size: 153mm x 234mm
Pages: 184
Category: Verge

Verge 2019


Edited by Stephen Downes, Calvin Fung and Amaryllis Gacioppo

The strangely familiar. The alien within the home. The repressed impulse. Bloodsucking counts in castles. Dismembered limbs. Wax models of famous figures. Trying to find a lost car in a parking lot. Being given seat E21 at the cinema when you live at 21 Rose Grove and your 21st birthday was last week. Doppelgängers, ghosts, déjà vu.

This is the fourteenth issue of Monash University’s creative writing publication, Verge. Established and emerging writers have come together to fill this collection with poems, flash fiction, creative non-fiction and short stories that converge on the theme of the uncanny.

Stephen Downes

Stephen Downes was this year awarded a PhD in creative writing from Monash University. His thesis investigates the influence of the uncanny and nostalgia on the prose fictions of the German writer W. G. Sebald. He has published some dozen non-fiction...

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Calvin Fung

Calvin Fung likes to think his passion for Gothic literature is what strong-armed the other editors into agreeing with the theme of the uncanny for this year’s Verge. He is in his second year of his creative writing PhD on...

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Amaryllis Gacioppo

Amaryllis Gacioppo is an Australian writer. Currently she is completing a joint PhD in creative writing with Monash University and the University of Bologna. In 2015 her story ‘Dreams’ won the Lord Mayor of Melbourne Award for Short Story. She has...

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