Publication Date: 20 September 2017
RRP: $19.95
ISBN: 9781925495997
Format: Paperback
Size: 153 x 234
Pages: 100
Category: Verge

Verge 2017


Edited by Aisling Smith

Chimera is something desired but always out of reach. The faceless figures of dreams, the disappearing fountain of an unrelenting desert: for those willing to make the journey, chimera exists as hope unrealised.

The thirteenth edition of Monash University’s creative writing annual collects work inspired by this theme and includes a range of original works from established and emerging writers.

Aisling Smith

Aisling Smith is a fiction writer who has had a number of short stories published in Melbourne, Toronto and Heidelberg. She is currently undertaking a PhD in literary studies, focusing on the works of David Foster Wallace. She is also...

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