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Les Thomas

Labor People review
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IA BOOK CLUB REVIEW: Chris Bowen’s ‘Labor People’

Craig Minns unpacks Chris Bowen’s Labor People: The Stories of Six True Believers, which keenly reflects the lives of six influential Labor Party members.

THE AUSTRALIAN Labor Party is Australia’s oldest political party, with a proud history of grassroots activism that continues to this day. Author Chris Bowen does a wonderful job of exploring the lives of six ordinary members of the party who made extraordinary contributions to that history.

Kate Thwaites
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Podcast: Kate Thwaites on Toxic Culture in Australian Parliament

Politician and author Kate Thwaites talks to Cheryl about toxic culture and misogyny in the Australian Parliament. Her new book, Enough is Enough, is out now.

About the author

Kate Thwaites was elected the Member for Jagajaga at the 2019 federal election. Kate is a former ABC TV and Radio news reporter and has held senior roles at Oxfam and in the Victorian Public Service. She worked for Jenny Macklin to help deliver important Labor reforms, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Paid Parental Leave. Kate is also working to tackle the other serious challenges that face our country: rising social inequality, constitutional recognition of Australia’s First Peoples, and fixing the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

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  • Enough is Enough

    Kate Thwaites and Jenny Macklin
The Shelf Life of Zora Cross
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The Shelf Life of Zora Cross highly commended in the 2021 National Biography Award

Monash University Publishing is proud to announce that Cathy Perkin’s The Shelf Life of Zora Cross has been highly commended in the 2021 National Biography Award.

Be sure to visit the book page to see more rave reviews and information.

The National Biography Award, supported by the Nelson Meers Foundation, celebrates excellence in biography, autobiography and memoir writing.

With a prize pool of $42,000 it is the nation’s richest prize for Australian biographical writing and memoir.

The Award was established in 1996 by Dr Geoffrey Cains and generously supported by the late Michael Crouch AC to encourage the highest standards of writing in biographical writing and to promote public interest in the genre.

On 6 August 2018 the State Library announced that the Nelson Meers Foundation would be supporting the Award moving forward. The Nelson Meers Foundation has generously increased the value of the prize for each of the shortlisted authors to $2,000. The Nelson Meers Foundation’s key objective is to foster innovative artistic and cultural expression, and to encourage greater engagement with the diversity, complexity and richness of our cultural sector. They support organisations and projects that utilise the arts to create positive social change, promote individual wellbeing, community cohesion and cultural tolerance.

In recognition of the long standing support from the late Michael Crouch AC the Nelson Meers Foundation will also fund an additional prize in his name for a first published biography/memoir by an Australian writer.

The Award’s growth and success recognises and reflects the continuing interest in stories about people with extraordinary lives.