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Suzanne Hampel, Rivke Margolis, Freda Freiberg (nee Fink), launcher Michael Gawenda and author Margaret Taft at the March 21 launch, Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation.
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Michael Gawenda launch speech for Leo and Mina Fink: For the Greater Good

IN NOVEMBER 1949, the passenger ship the Continental arrived at the docks in Port Melbourne. Among the 200 or so passengers on board, most of them Jews from the displaced persons (DP) camps in Austria and Germany, was my family. My mother, my father, my three older sisters and me. I was born in a DP camp in Linz, Austria, and lived there with my family for almost the first three years of my life.

Given my age when I was carried off the Continental by my oldest sister, who by then was married and pregnant with her first child, I have no memory of the moment I first touched the ground in Australia. Nor do I recall who was there to greet these Jews, most of them refugees and Holocaust survivors.

But my father and my sisters told me when I was old enough to listen, that some lovely Jewish people had been there on the dock to greet us. They did not, as far as I can recall, say that Mina or Leo Fink were among them.

But having now read Margaret Taft’s book, Leo and Mina Fink: For the Greater Good, having read about the way Leo and Mina had been there for virtually every ship arrival carrying Jewish refugees—how they had worked so tirelessly to get the Australian government to accept these Holocaust survivors, how they had been key players in establishing the refugee and welfare organisations that helped bring thousands of these broken traumatised people to Australia, I was pretty sure that either Leo or Mina Fink, or both of them, were there on the dock to greet us.

Read the full launch speech at

In the National Interest at Adelaide Writers Festival
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In The National Interest at the Adelaide Writers Festival

For this year’s Adelaide Writers Festival, head to the Gardens every day at 12pm for Writers’ Week’s In the National Interest series. We are delighted to partner with Monash University Publishing on their series of the same name to present some of Australia’s most incisive thinkers exploring the critical issues facing Australia today.

Writers’ Week speakers include Kevin Rudd, Malcolm Turnbull, Rachel Doyle, Michael Bradley, Saxon Mullins, Martin Parkinson, Mark Willacy, Samantha Crompvoets and Fiona McLeod on topics ranging from Leadership, Courage, Accountability, Law Reform and Military Culture. Drawing on experiences from their working and personal lives, our contributors interrogate current realities and propose pathways to a better future.


In the National Interest Program

Sat 5 Mar, 12pm / East Stage
How Fast Things Fall with Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull

Sun 6 Mar, 12pm / East Stage
Our Nation’s Shame with Samantha Crompvoets and Mark Willacy

Mon 7 Mar, 12pm / East Stage
Compounding Damage with Michael Bradley, Rachel Doyle and Saxon Mullins

Tue 8 Mar, 12pm / East Stage
Good International Citizenship: The Case For Decency with Gareth Evans

Wed 9 Mar, 12pm / West Stage
Policy Drift with John Daley and Martin Parkinson

Thu 10 Mar, 12pm / East Stage
Grift, Lies and Influence with Fiona McLeod and Michael West

  • Blood Lust, Trust & Blame

    Samantha Crompvoets
  • Good International Citizenship

    Gareth Evans


IWD 2022
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Monash University Publishing’s 10 Great International Women’s Day Books

Monash University Publishing is offering 10% off a range of titles that focus on women and their stories. Just use the code WOMEN2022 in our ecart upon purchasing. This offer expires at the end of March 2022.

  • Eve Langley and The Pea Pickers

    Helen Vines
  • The Shelf Life of Zora Cross

    Cathy Perkins
  • Respectable Radicals

    Marian Quartly and Judith Smart
  • Jean Blackburn

    Craig Campbell and Debra Hayes
  • Gender Violence in Australia

    Alana Piper and Ana Stevenson




Essential Pre-poll Reading
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Monash University Publishing’s Essential Pre-Poll Reading

In the lead-up to this federal election, Monash University Publishing has your reading list covered. From our In the National Interest Series:

In Who Dares Loses: Pariah Policies, Wayne Errington and Peter van Onselen explain the political constraints on policymakers and the ways in which they are changing.

In Challenging Politics, Scott Ryan discusses the loss in faith in politics.

In Easy Lies & Influence, Fiona McLeod tells us what corruption can do, and why it’s imperative that we address it.

In Tides that Bind, ALP Deputy Leader Richard Marles implores us to step up our support for Pacific nations threatened by climate change and under-development.

In Governing in the Internet Age, Communications Minister Paul Fletcher outlines the key challenges the internet has posed for governments.

In Fortune’s Fool, Satyajit Das dissects the pandemic, global trends, Australia’s narrow ‘house and holes’ economy and its dependency on China.

In Population Shock, Abul Rizvi asks: how will government chart our larger and older population’s economic future?

In Good International Citizenship, Gareth Evans argues that to be, and be seen to be, a good international citizen is both a moral imperative and a matter of hard-headed national interest.

In Burning Down the House, Jo Dyer looks at how Australian politics has gone awry and how a range of independents are determined to burn it all down and build something new.

In Big: The Role of the State in the Modern Economy, Richard Denniss makes the case for following the lead of the Nordic countries in the provision of great public health, education, housing and infrastructure.

In Now More than Ever, David Anderson gives us an insider’s insight into the ABC: a cultural powerhouse where Australian identity is celebrated, democracy is defended, and creativity is encouraged to flourish.

In Dismal Diplomacy, Disposable Sovereignty, Carrillo Gantner offers some modest suggestions for improving Australia’s relationship with China.

In Leadership, Don Russell reflects on politicians, the political process and the role of government, and explains why our political leaders are as they are.

In A Decade of Drift, Martin Parkinson outlines how the twists and turns in climate change policy over the past decade have contributed to the erosion of public trust in government in Australia.

Other important background reading for the election includes: Cathy Goes to Canberra by Cathy McGowan, the inspiring story of one of Australia’s most successful and influential independents; Long Half-life by Ian Lowe on Australia’s nuclear policies and energy and climate challenges; Class in Australia on Australia’s deepening social stratification; and Corporate Power in Australia by Lindy Edwards on how the ‘big end of town’ influences our politics.

  • Who Dares Loses

    Wayne Errington & Peter van Onselen
  • Governing in the Internet Age

    Paul Fletcher


  • Good International Citizenship

    Gareth Evans
  • Dismal Diplomacy, Disposable Sovereignty

    Carrillo Gantner


  • Class in Australia

    Steven Threadgold and Jessica Gerrard
  • Corporate Power in Australia

    Lindy Edwards
Authors at the Adelaide Wrtiers Festival
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Meet Monash University Publishing authors at the Adelaide Writers Festival

Some of Monash University Publishing’s leading authors will be appearing at this year’s Adelaide Writers Festival.

Wed 9 Mar, 9:30am / Pioneer Women’s Memorial Garden

The Legend of Charmian Clift

With Tanya Dalziell, Paul Genoni and Polly Samson / Chaired by Sophie Cunningham

Mon 7 Mar, 12pm / East Stage
Australia’s War on Whistleblowers

With Bernard Collaery, David McBride and Jennifer Robinson / Chaired by Andrew Fowler

Tue 8 Mar, 10:45am / Pioneer Women’s Memorial Garden

Bad Energy

With Ian Lowe and Jeremy Moss / Chaired by Natasha Mitchell

  • Half the Perfect World

    Paul Genoni and Tanya Dalziell
  • A Secret Australia

    Felicity Ruby and Peter Cronau
Julia Carlomagno
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Meet our new Publisher: Julia Carlomagno

Monash University Publishing is proud to welcome Julia Carlomagno, who commences in the new role of Publisher.

Julia joins Monash from a career in trade publishing, including roles at publishing houses Black Inc., Scribe and Penguin, and has won both Australia’s national editing awards (the Rosie Award for Editorial Excellence and the Barbara Ramsden Award). She has worked with award-winning researchers and writers such as Joëlle Gergis, John Keane, Jeff Sparrow, Alice Pung, Anna Krien and Margaret Simons, and was the deputy editor of the journal Australian Foreign Affairs. Julia’s appointment marks the continued reinvigoration of Monash’s list as it seeks to bring the best ideas and scholarship to a broad audience.

Monash Publishing Director Greg Bain says: “Monash Publishing is certainly gaining traction through the In the National Interest series, and having Julia build our nonfiction presence for a wider readership is a welcomed boost.”

Publisher Julia Carlomagno says: “It’s delightful – and dizzying – to be back on the Clayton campus after studying here many years ago. Monash, across campuses and countries, is home to many of the world’s best minds, producing ideas that change the future and shape the way we think. Our vibrant publishing team has the skills and rigour to work with authors to turn ideas into brilliant, agenda-setting books.”

Monash University Publishing is seeking book pitches and proposals from the Monash community and beyond, with a particular interest in the areas of sustainability and the environment, science, Indigenous affairs, politics, sociology, popular culture, economics, history and biography.

See our submission guidelines for further details.

Cathy Goes to Canberra: Doing Politics Differently
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Cathy Goes to Canberra: audiobook now available

Monash University Publishing is pleased to announce that following successful print and ebook editions, Cathy Goes to Canberra: Doing Politics Differently by Cathy McGowan is now available as an audiobook. Narrated by Cathy herself, the audiobook is available from all quality retailers, including and Kobo.

The paperback edition is available from our online store.

Labor People review
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IA BOOK CLUB REVIEW: Chris Bowen’s ‘Labor People’

Craig Minns unpacks Chris Bowen’s Labor People: The Stories of Six True Believers, which keenly reflects the lives of six influential Labor Party members.

THE AUSTRALIAN Labor Party is Australia’s oldest political party, with a proud history of grassroots activism that continues to this day. Author Chris Bowen does a wonderful job of exploring the lives of six ordinary members of the party who made extraordinary contributions to that history.

Kate Thwaites
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Podcast: Kate Thwaites on Toxic Culture in Australian Parliament

Politician and author Kate Thwaites talks to Cheryl about toxic culture and misogyny in the Australian Parliament. Her new book, Enough is Enough, is out now.

About the author

Kate Thwaites was elected the Member for Jagajaga at the 2019 federal election. Kate is a former ABC TV and Radio news reporter and has held senior roles at Oxfam and in the Victorian Public Service. She worked for Jenny Macklin to help deliver important Labor reforms, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Paid Parental Leave. Kate is also working to tackle the other serious challenges that face our country: rising social inequality, constitutional recognition of Australia’s First Peoples, and fixing the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Listen on Apple || Listen on Stitcher for Android

  • Enough is Enough

    Kate Thwaites and Jenny Macklin
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