Publication Date: 20 July 2012
RRP: $39.95
ISBN: 9781921867309
Format: Paperback
Size: 153mm x 234mm
Pages: 200
Category: Australasian & Pacific, Biography, Indigenous Studies

Reading Robinson

Companion Essays to George Augustus Robinson

Edited by Anna Johnston and Mitchell Rolls

Open Access

This book brings together essays from leading Australian and international historians in an analysis of the monumental Friendly Mission: the Tasmanian Journals and Papers of George Augustus Robinson 1829−1834, edited by NJB Plomley and re-booklished in 2008. Until this book, Friendly Mission has rarely been considered in a context beyond the immediacy of Van Diemen’s Land. Yet George Augustus Robinson’s diverse writings constitute a body of work that typically has one set of meanings for local readers, and another for those outside its sphere of production. Robinson’s texts are exemplary of the ways in which colonial texts circulated around what Alan Lester, Professor of Historical Geography at the University of Sussex, has called ‘imperial networks.’

Reading Robinson remains cognisant of local resonances, including personal reflections by contemporary Aboriginal commentators on the colonial text. Bringing together community voices and international scholars situates Friendly Mission within broader contexts, both in terms of contemporary accounts of colonial / settler contact, conflict with indigenes and current debates analysing this material.

Anna Johnston

Anna Johnston is Queen Elizabeth II Fellow in the School of English, Journalism and European Languages, and Deputy Director of the Centre for Colonialism and Its Aftermath at the University of Tasmania. She is the author of Missionary Writing and Empire,...

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Mitchell Rolls

Mitchell Rolls is Senior Lecturer and Co-Director (Academic) in Riawunna, Centre for Aboriginal Studies, University of Tasmania, and a Deputy Director, Centre for Colonialism and Its Aftermath. His research interests include cultural identity, race and representation, and cultural appropriation. He...

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