Publication Date: Sep 2007
RRP: $34.95
ISBN: 9780980361629
Format: Paperback
Size: 165mm x 245mm
Pages: 232
Category: Human Rights

No Way to Go

Transport and Social Disadvantage in Australian Communities

Edited by Graham Currie, Janet Stanley and John Stanley

Open Access

Urban sprawl and sparse living are pervasive in Australia. Despite high levels of car ownership, many Australians do not have access to a private car for their travel needs. These people, often from marginalised groups in society such as young people, those on low incomes, older people, indigenous Australians and those with disabilities, face difficulties accessing services, facilities and activities. What are the personal and social costs of lack of access to transport on individual and community well-being? How, and to what extent, do poor transport options contribute to disadvantage?

No Way to Go is an edited collection of papers that discuss the links between transport disadvantage and social exclusion in Australia. The book begins by exploring the global context for the Australian experience, with a series of papers from international contributors. In the second section, case studies based on recent empirical research examine the situation from the perspectives of different marginalised groups in Australian society. The book concludes by examining the implications for Australian social and transport policy.

Graham Currie

Graham Currie holds Australias first professorship in Public Transport at Monash University’s Institute of Transport Studies.  He has more than 25 years experience managing studies of transport disadvantage throughout Australasia and is directing several current research projects in this field including...
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Janet Stanley

Janet Stanley is senior manager of research and policy at the Brotherhood of St Laurence in Melbourne, where her research focuses on social disadvantage and social exclusion and is closely integrated with service provision and policy development.
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John Stanley

John Stanley is CEO of the Bus Association of Victoria, where he focuses on the development of sustainable transport systems. He is a former deputy chairman of the National Road Transport Commission and he chaired the Victorian Recycling and Resource Recovery Council.
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