Publication Date: 03 October 2018
RRP: $49.95
ISBN: 9781925523645
Format: Paperback
Size: 153mm x 234mm
Pages: 192
Category: Monash Asia, Sociology

Identity, Equity and Social Justice in Asia Pacific Education

Edited by Raqib Chowdhury and Lilly K. Yazdanpanah

Beginning with the concept that the way we think of social justice will depend on our understanding of who we are, Equity, Identity and Social Justice in Asia Pacific Education recognises and responds to the wide range of contextual and cultural perspectives that inform notions of social justice across Asia Pacific educational environments. While frequently featuring as a key concept in both policy and practice, social justice is understood differently by educators and policy makers in different contexts and regions. Case studies of equality, justice and fairness within educational institutions of the Asia Pacific inform and innovatively contribute to wider contemporary scholarly and public debates. This book facilitates a more nuanced understanding of the cultural dimensions of social justice and allows future researchers to apply new frameworks of understanding that are becoming of increasing relevance to educational practices.


1.   Introduction. Local Epistemologies in Understanding Social Justice
— Raqib Chowdhury & Lilly K. Yazdanpanah
2.   Challenges in Conceptualising Educational Inequalities in the Context of Migration: Working with Western and Islamic Conceptions of Motherhood
— Taghreed Jamal Al-Deen & Joel Windle
3.   Legislating English in Nepal: Discourses of Social (in)Equalities
— Ram Giri
4.   Persistent Inequality in Female Education within South Asia: Comparing Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
— Venesser Fernandes, Farzana Khan, Lavanya Raj & Shashinie Thenabadu
5.   EIL and Learner Identities: Exploring Learners’ Sociocultural Identities in Locally Developed English Textbooks in Pakistan
— Zahra Ali
6.   Power and Identity Embedded in the Persian First Person Pronoun /mæn/: A Sociolinguistic Perspective
— Hossein Shokouhi & Alireza Fard-Kashani
7.   ‘I cannot imagine going to a pub’: Expectations, Lived Experiences and Identity Construction of Asian Students in Australia
— Melinda Kong
8.   Representation of EFL Instructors’ Identities through Classroom Discourse: A Case Study in a Japanese University
— Kaoru Matsunaga
9.   Hierarchy in High School English Classrooms in Vietnam: Power Relationships and Learning Opportunities
— Hoang Thi Hanh & Pham Thi Ngoc Thanh
10.   Agendas, Aspirations, Education and English Language Teaching in Kiribati
Indika Liyanage
11.   Issues of Equity in Korean Higher Education: Academic Deans’ Stances on the Three-No’s Policy
— Dong Kwang Kim

Raqib Chowdhury

Raqib Chowdhury taught at Dhaka University from 1997 to 2004 and, since 2008, has been teaching at Monash University. He holds Masters degrees in English Literature and Education and has published in the areas of TESOL, international education and identity. He...

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Lilly K. Yazdanpanah

Lilly K. Yazdanpanah teaches in the Faculty of Education at Monash University. Her research centres on the construction of teacher and student identity, emotions, and cultural diversity in English language classrooms. She also serves as the Submissions Editor of TESL-EJ and...

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