Publication Date: 20 August 2008
RRP: $34.95
ISBN: 9780980510805
Format: Paperback
Size: 165mm x 245mm
Pages: 140
Category: Uncategorised

From Ferranti to Faculty

Information Technology at Monash University, 1960 to 1990

Sarah Rood

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Open Access

From Ferranti to Faculty tells the story of the foundation of the first faculty dedicated to computing and information technology in Australia. Covering the period from the late 1950s until 1990, when the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology at Monash University was formed, it spans the establishment phase of the discipline of computing. During this time, this field of study was developing and changing at a rapid rate, arguably faster than any new discipline in the past. This created enormous challenges and difficulties, as well as wonderful opportunities.

These opportunities were seized upon by visionary people both at Caulfield Institute of Technology (later Chisholm Institute of Technology) and at Monash University. In many ways From Ferranti to Faculty is about these people – the influence they had on the development of computing in Australia and on the establishment of the faculty.

From Ferranti to Faculty traces the foundation and establishment of Monash University’s Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, known today as the Faculty of Information Technology. It explores the emergence of computing and computer science as new, stand-alone disciplines in the tertiary sector. The history of higher education in Australia provides the backdrop to this story, as does the history of Monash University and the various institutions that occupied what is now the Caulfield campus of Monash University.

The text is authored by historian Sarah Rood in consultation with a steering committee comprising:

Peter Juliff (Chair), The Australian Computer Society & Deakin University
Chris Avram, Monash University
John Crossley, Monash University
Seamus O’Hanlon, Monash University
Andrew Parbury, The Australian Computer Society
Judy Sheard, Monash University
Phil Steele, Monash University
Ron Weber, Monash University
Rob Willis, Monash University

The late Chris Wallace was also a member of the steering committee.