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Carla Wilshire

Carla Wilshire OAM is the founding CEO of The Social Policy Group (SPG) and Director of the Centre for Digital Wellbeing, a not-for-profit policy research and design centre focusing on technology’s impact on health, safety and social cohesion in the Australian community. Carla has a background in public policy development and impact strategy, corporate governance, and tertiary research. Before establishing SPG, she worked in senior roles in the public service and as a government adviser, principally in migration and settlement, including as chief of staff to the minister for multicultural affairs. She has also held academic and consulting positions in Australia and abroad. Carla is the co-founder and Deputy Chair of the Migrant and Refugee Health Partnership, and the Judicial Council on Diversity & Inclusion, as well as a member of the Council of Harmony Alliance, the national migrant and refugee women’s alliance.


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