Alan Gregory was born in Melbourne, educated at the University of Melbourne (B Com, Dip Ed, M Ed) and Simon Fraser University Canada, (Ph D). He was a teacher in Victorian high schools, then on the staff of the Faculty of Education Monash University for 25 years, including periods as a visiting scholar to several overseas universities. He was made a Member of the Order of Australia 1989 for services to education and the community, was Master of Ormond College, and served on several government boards including the Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal. He has published widely in the field of economics, education and history, and his recent books include: It’s Only the Game that Counts: A history of Lord Somers Camp and Power House, The Ever Open Door: A history of the Royal Melbourne Hospital, the centenary history of Melbourne High School Strong Like its Pillars, and books on two principals: Brigadier George Langley, and William (Bill) M Woodfull.