Required Reading
Tim Dolin, Joanne Jones and Patricia Dowsett -
Australian Lives
Anisa Puri and Alistair Thomson -
Australia’s Northern Shield?
Bruce Hunt -
Of Labour and Liberty
Race Mathews -
The Conscription Conflict and the Great War
Robin Archer, Joy Damousi, Murray Goot and Sean Scalmer -
Who’s Afraid of International Law?
Raimond Gaita and Gerry Simpson -
The Return of Print?
Aaron Mannion and Emmett Stinson -
Subtle Moments
Bruce Grant -
Basudara Stories of Peace from Maluku
Jacky Manuputty, Zairin Salampessy, Ihsan Ali-Fauzi, Irsyad Rafsadi | Translated by Hilary Syaranamual -
Conceiving the Goddess
Jayant Bhalchandra Bapat and Ian Mabbett -
Writing for Raksmey
Joan Healy -
Small Screens
Michelle Arrow, Jeannine Baker and Clare Monagle -
Avan Judd Stallard -
Beyond Gallipoli
Raelene Frances and Bruce Scates -
Verge 2016
Megan Blake, Annie Bourke and Bonnie Reid -
Research in the Archival Multiverse
Anne J Gilliland, Sue McKemmish and Andrew J Lau -
Revolution in the City of Heroes
Suhario Padmodiwiryo | Translated by Frank Palmos -
The Vagabond Papers
Michael Cannon, Robert G. Flippen and Willa McDonald